Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Year, New Challenges?

Firstly, a Happy New Year to all!

BFFS Scotland is starting the new year with a day of reflection, discussion and planning for the future as we try to work out what we are doing well and what we should be doing for film societies in the next few years. So more news on that after next week.

Elsewhere it's nice to see the UK, including Scottish filmmakers, doing well in Awards season. With Bafta, Golden Globe and Oscar awards to keep an eye on we'd welcome your comments on the last year of films and what your top tips are for your next film society season. Do you follow the awards or go your own way? Personally I think pragmatism might give the best season but awards do usually mean good turn outs.

Anyway, as ever comment here, on the website or add to our new and beautiful wiki at:

Keep warm and dry in this wintery gloom and we'll update you on all things BFFS Scotland very soon,

Information Officer | BFFS Scotland