Monday, August 20, 2007

A week in the life of EIFF (or: Nude Ushers are the way forward!)

The Edinburgh International Film Festival 2007 is now well underway so here's what's been heard, seen and happening that we've caught (but bear with us, we're working on 3 hours sleep and we've been in films all day so the BFFS Scotland brains are a little fried!):

Spotted: Edinburgh local and Hallam Foe co-star Ewen Bremner pottering between the Cameo and Filmhouse cinemas in a very fetching flatcap.

Overheard: This year's Micheal Powell Jury are apparently not big Lynn Ramsey fans - we overheard them gossiping at the Seach'd screening!

Experienced: Intense security at the industry screening of Hallam Foe - 2 huge bodyguards and a mini interrogation preceeded us actually filing in. It seemed over the top to us but the film was well worth the effort in the end!

Seen: The hugest coolest crowd of filmmakers seeing an early screening of Control, so hip is the film. also...

Print Gossip: Berlin Alexanderplatz is apparently going well (albeit with niche interest for this long haul viewing of 11 hours+) but the print is, we hear, a bit dodgy....

Cancelled: Bob Hoskins has had his shoulder operated upon and had to cancel his In Person event as it was all a bit too delicate to move...

Spotted: Sam Riley, the star of Control, throwing some shapes in the street in preparation for the Control press conference this week.

Sold Out: Billy the Kid; Razzle Dazzle; Anita Loos Rediscovered...

Overheard: Could the Screen Academies be about to change their names? We overheard some industry types suggesting various changes including a name switch... hmm...

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